Monday, May 25, 2009

Las Comadres

If you love to read, network and want meet other cool Latinas in your neighborhood, head on over to Las Comadres Para Las Americas -

My friend recently introduced me to this Internet-based Latina Book Club that meets monthly in many US cities. I just signed up and am looking forward to my first meetup!

As we get older, it's harder to make friends, everyone is busy with their own agendas, careers, families and relationships. Book clubs are a fun and relaxing way to meet people with common interests.

I've participated in book clubs in the past and have met many fabulous ladies in my community.


Miss Cafe

1 comment:

  1. Darling...speaking for my future nuptuals, I plan to make it a half an hour early just so my "latino" family can make it ON TIME. But here is the worst of it, his family is not any better, and they are half italian and half irish. What to do???? My mother-in- law says in her very New York and Jewish sounding voice (mind you she is not jewish) " OHH i am always late". Let's just hope she isn't late at my wedding because I might chop off her head that day. So conclusion--- put 30 minutes prior!
