Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm back!

It's been a very long time since I last posted, and I am ashamed. I usually handle stress pretty well, and this time around I just ended up dropping everything and made excuses not to continue.

Just to bring you up to speed, my now husband and I both left NY and moved to South Florida (without jobs), got married in November, went on a fabulous honeymoon in the Mediterranean, and then moved again to Central Florida for his new job (all that in 4 months). We are at fault for piling all the stress into one big pile, but that is how we function. I thrive on stress, and always will. It's not healthy, and I am trying to learn how to be patient and take baby steps.

This year, I promise to follow through. Finish what I start. Not shy away from opportunities because of fear. The first baby step is publishing this post. Done!

How many of you finish what you start?

Mrs. Cafe

1 comment:

  1. I feel you in this post! I am a total procrastinator and it takes a while before I finish what I start (DIY stuff!).
