Thursday, June 25, 2009


A friend recently asked me if I was going to incorporate my Latino roots in the wedding ceremony despite the fact that half the guests are English speakers, including Mr. Techy.

Great question!

We met with our officiant last month to discuss the wedding ceremony and we opted for a bilingual mass - surprised?

I'm sure you've gathered from my previous posts that my Hispanic heritage is the reason I strive to succeed in both my professional and personal life. So it was expected that I would follow through and incorporate my culture in the ceremony.

It would be unfair to both Mr. Techy and I if the ceremony were monolingual. We want to share this sacrament with our loved ones - and what better way than to make sure they understand what is being said.

The priest will alternate between the two languages, one reading will be in Spanish, the other in English, and the music selected for the vocalist will have verses in both languages. Finally, I'm going to make programs in both languages so the guests can follow along regardless of the language being spoken.

How are you incorporating your heritage in your nuptials?


Miss Cafe

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hello everyone!

I apologize profusely for being on hiatus. Life really got in the way. However, fear not. I'm back!

Thank you to those who've emailed me to check in. I'm so flattered that you're enjoying my random musings. It really motivates me more than you an imagine.

I'm currently editing a few drafts I have saved and will be posting soon!


Miss Cafe

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm Back

I'm back in NY. Well, I've been back, but just haven't had the chance to update the blog as I've been playing catchup at work and sleeping - a lot! I'll be back soon!


Miss Cafe

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Home is where the heart is

I'm going home to Miami tonight (yay!) to tie up some loose wedding ends. Like other brides, I have a LONG to-do list, but only have 96 hours to get it all done. Each second of my time has been strategically scheduled and places have been plotted on a Google map, with minimal breaks and many fast-food stops – Ladies, this is NOT a vacation (booooo!).

Planning a wedding remotely is not easy. It’s a fulltime job. When Mr. Techy and I first moved in together, I offered to be a stay-at-home girlfriend. Of course, Mr. Techy said he needed a little more commitment from me first. So I then offered to be a stay-at-home fiancĂ© and plan the wedding, to no avail. It does sound pretty tempting though, huh?

I’ve been living in New York for almost four years (June 19 is my anniversary!) and continue to refer to Miami as home. It is and will always be. A foundation makes a house, family and friends make a home. I’ve been fortunate enough to have a wonderful relationship with Mr. Techy’s family; they help fill the void between visits to Miami. They live about an hour away so we don’t get to see them as much, but I always look forward to visiting. They’ve opened up their home as if I were one of their own. It’s made being away from my family a little easier to handle.

I’m very independent. I’ve always been. I couldn’t wait for the day I’d be on my own. Don’t get me wrong, my parents aren't overly invasive or strict. But I just needed to be on my own. There’s something so empowering about financially supporting myself, learning to survive and handling situations on my own that I would probably be sheltered from in the comfort of my parent’s house. I refused to move out of their house to then move in with a roommate or a boyfriend.

Living alone was not easy and glamorous. But it really helped me build a lot of character and thick skin. It's also helped me appreciate my parents, a lot more than I already did. I knew that if I survived living on my own, I could do anything! Even plan a "destinational" wedding.


Miss Café

Monday, June 1, 2009

Center of Attention

Believe it or not, I'm shy. I try my hardest to not be the center of attention unless I have no other choice. I'm definitely the behind-the-scenes type of chick. However, I've learned that in order to get what you want, you have to go after it. Period. The chances of the perfect opportunity landing in your lap is very rare. I am where I am today because I've had to put aside my fears, and take the chance. So far, no regrets.

For example, I totally hit on Mr. Techy when I first met him. I have no idea where the boldness came from, but I had nothing to lose. I voluntarily gave him my phone number before he asked for it (except, he didn't get the hint until much later). He was uber shy and thought I was being nice.

As you can imagine, the thought of having a bride and groom's table at the reception makes me slightly uncomfortable. I would rather be in the mix, than on display.

One of my fabulous bridesmaids just told me about a great alternative to a bride/groom's table she found on the As opposed to a table for two, you can add two extra place settings at each table so you can freely hop from one table to the next and mix with your guests.

See below:




Miss Cafe