What is it about the scanner that makes men drool and act like boys. Honestly I don't understand so if you know the answer, please let me know. He's been talking about registering since we got engaged. Mind you, we don't have a house yet to store the stuff.
Mr. Techy and I accumulated a lot of stuff in the past few years. We had to donate all the duplicates when we moved in together because we didn't need two blenders and two slow cookers. We can always upgrade our cheapy appliances after the wedding.
But, we are very intrigued by this practical and unique concept:
In lieu of gifts, your guests can pay for parts or all of your honeymoon. For example, someone can pay for your airfare, a romantic dinner, or even a spa treatment. The money goes directly from their account into yours without a middleman and you can keep track of the gifts you've received, the thank you notes you've sent, and manage your registry list. The cool thing is that it's completely free!

Our honeymoon is going to be very expensive- a 14-day Mediterranean cruise. Mr. Techy and I are excited about this opportunity! Since we're young, don't have children or major expenses, we decided to splurge and see the world. It 'll be a very long time before we can do it again.
We'll probably do a traditional registry so Mr. Techy can play with the scanner and get it out of his system. But I'm sure there will be a few things on the Bed, Bath and Beyond registry that I'll have to remove once he's done.
For example, we don't need a Keg O Rator!
Miss Cafe
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