Sunday, May 17, 2009

Holy Fiance

Wedding planning has taken over our lives. Most of our nights consist of emailing vendors, designing the invitations, checking blogs for ideas, designing the invitations, booking our honeymoon and designing the invitations...

But aside from all the crafts and emails, we've also been attending religion classes so we can marry in the Catholic church. We aren't a traditional couple, but I wanted a Catholic ceremony.

Mr. Techy was one step behind me and needed to receive Communion. Last Sunday, he finally did - along with many 9 and 10 year-olds. Now, Mr. Techy is 6'0, not to mention much older so he was very obvious. You must really love me Mr. Techy! But in case you're wondering, he didn't have to wear white.

When Mr. Techy and I started researching churches for our ceremony, we came across a very traditional church with very traditional marriage requirements. We had to have all our sacraments, attend Pre Cana (a marriage prep retreat), and weren't allowed to be living together. It literally said, "If you are living together, stop. It is a sin."


For a few weeks, we had no luck finding another church. They weren't returning our calls, required that we go in person, were already booked or the fees were too expensive. Honestly, we were nervous about meeting the priest and having to justify our living situation. Lying to him was out of the question.

Mr. Techy and I've been living together for almost 1.5 years. NY is expensive, but I was able to live on my own for a while - I have very good self control when it comes to shoes vs groceries.

Where I'm from, it's the norm to live with your parents until you marry or go away to school. My friends, consisting of Cubans, Colombians and Nicaraguans, still live at home and they are in their late 20s. I was the first to leave the nest. I moved out at 23 contrary to Mr. Techy, he left home at 18.

We're from very different cultures and backgrounds, so the cohabiting talk came up many, many times, before I agreed. I never lived with a boyfriend, or a non-family member. I'm not going to lie, it was a very hard decision to make. The traditional part of me wanted to wait, but the modern, financially savvy side thought it was a good idea. Of course I loved Mr. Techy, but I was also scared of jeopardizing our relationship.

Well, luckily it didn't and fortunately we were able to find another church - and I didn't have to move out.


Miss Cafe

1 comment:

  1. God willing I will be partying it up and living it up in some resort. Not really to sure but I am excited and just want to have fun with my chicas! So yours sounds to relaxing for me. LOL! But ofcourse I am the wild child!
